Welcome to The Alchemy Advantage
"It is time, you are more than what you have become."
- Mufasa, The Lion King
Hi friends, Allie here.
Every year the ball drops, the clock strikes midnight and we celebrate a new beginning. This new beginning often prompts us to write New Year’s Resolutions; a list of things we want to DO, things we want to HAVE.
At Alchemy, we play a different game.
Our game begins with the question, “Who am I BEING”; After all, when you choose who you want to be, then you will do want you want to do, and then you will inevitably have what you want to have.
So, what if this year we upgraded our New Year’s Resolutions?
What if instead of making a “to do” list, we created a“TO BE” list?
Personally, in 2019 I intend to be courageous and inspiring…in my conversations with clients, while in front of the room and at home with my family, particularly as my husband and I embark on the adventure of becoming parents for the second time at the end of January!
To implement this way of thinking we've created a FREE 2019 "To Be" List template just for you. Print it out, fill it in, and post it somewhere special so it can serve as a daily reminder that what you want to do, and what you want to have, starts with who you're being.
So, I ask you now, who will you be in 2019?
Download Your FREE 2019 "TO BE" List Template
Keep up the inspiring work,
Allie & Sandy