Tap into the ordinary to activate EXTRAordinary leadership BREAKTHROUGHS.

After 25 years of leading this session exclusively in corporate settings, The Alchemy Group is opening its doors FOR YOU.

Inspired by post-pandemic feedback from our clients - For the first time ever individual leaders can enroll in this 4-month* leadership journey to create an inspiring, purposeful life.

*3 days of on-site LIVE learning, and 3 months of virtual 1:1 coaching

What will you experience in The Alchemy Leadership Experience?

Our uniquely interactive format creates an impactful personal experience for each leader in the room where “we practice leadership, as opposed to merely teaching it”. With fresh listening - we inquire; with clear eyes - we discover; with objective coaching - we breakthrough and begin to create a whole new future of skillful and effective leadership for each participant.

   In the Alchemy Leadership Experience our principles and distinctions are not “taught” to participants in the outmoded ways most “training” is still delivered today. Our commitment is transformation, not mere information. 

   This interactive intensive delivers real time, on-site learning through firsthand experience, requiring active participation and in-the-moment reflection/feedback. Knowledge is applied in real-life situations; nothing is taken on hypothetically. This often involves collaboration and interaction among the other leaders in the room - participants become both teachers AND learners.

The Forgetting Curve: Research has shown that 70% of learning is forgotten within 24 hours after a training, and 90% of learning is forgotten one week after a training. This is known as the “forgetting curve”.

Over the course of four months - through a combination of virtual and on-site learning - you will get accurate about your current location as a leader. What are you the source of? What do you think is NOT true about you and actually IS true? What do you think IS true about you and is actually NOT true? This accuracy will then be harvested into the creation of a brand-new future for yourself. The culminating experience is the declaration of a new personal leadership BRAND and the accompanying actions and coaching that will produce the desired future results, in a sustainable way.

It is our commitment that you will have a breakthrough
in who you are as a leader … at work, at home, in your community.

“If you are lucky enough, you have a coach enter your life and give you guidance that allows a pivot into how to perform at an entirely new level. Sandy & Allie and the Alchemy Group do that on steroids.” - Alegeus

This is all founded on a three step intentional process:




What is a Breakthrough?

A sometimes uncomfortable yet always life-changing “ah-ha” moment, where suddenly your future is no longer a replay movie of your past. A moment of self-accuracy that alters how you relate to your: situation, life, results, circumstances, relationships and productivity. A breakthrough allows you to uncover a brand-new awareness that unlocks a brand-new future for yourself and all those you serve.

Breakthrough by definition is a sudden, dramatic and important discovery or development. A breakthrough represents a pivotal moment that propels a leader to a new level of effectiveness, impact and personal growth, that has a track record of also improving the performance and productivity of the team being led. 

In this journey our sole purpose is to give you the opportunity to have a sudden and important (sometimes dramatic) discovery in your development as a leader, unlocking extraordinary results for you and those around you.

What is unique about The Alchemy Leadership Experience vs. other leadership offerings?

  • The leadership distinctions come to life through LIVE real-time coaching and exercises occur in the room … instead of being lectured to about theories that you may or may not even remember, much less experience for yourself

  • A deep and profound curiosity of claimed and unclaimed “blindspots” and their impact - Even the best of leaders have blindspots

  • Untangling past patterns that no longer contribute to future success

  • Just as a Doctor practices medicine, or a Lawyer practices law, a leader practices leadership

  • Leadership is not held as a fixed characteristic or a static set of skills. Leadership is an infinite game that you practice for the rest of your life; a continuous cycle of growth, self-reflection, feedback, experiences and new learning

  • A unique combination of personal growth, influence, decision-making, responsibility, adaptability, coaching and practice, making it a transformative and invaluable journey for leaders

  • The “leadership lifecycle” is created and practiced for the rest of your life: forecast, practice, feedback, forecast, practice, feedback

  • Unlike other “training”, your journey and growth does not stop after your live Intensive. The 3-months of 1:1 coaching after the live Intensive is what empowers you to bring your new practices to life, in a sustainable and accountable way

The balance distinction: Many trainings dedicate 100% of the time to explaining how to ride a bike. The bike is studied, manuals are provided, and instruction is delivered. Never once though do the participants get ON the bike. The Alchemy Leadership Experience is a 4-month journey where you actually get on the bike, practice riding the bike and experience balance. Once you learn it, you cannot unlearn it.

What is the sustainable value of The Alchemy Leadership Experience that you walk away with?

Based on consistent feedback from previous participants, YOU will …

  • 1

    Return to your work (and life) environment “PRO-ing UP” as a leader, immediately creating elevated results

  • 2

    Immediately see new possibilities for increased productivity, JOY, inspiration, efficiency at work and at home

  • 3

    Possess a deep and non-negotiable awareness that your future is NO LONGER a replay movie of your past

  • 4

    Experience an immediate increase in productivity by transforming the quality of questions you ask

  • 5

    Be able to clearly identify where you are a leader “on the court” or sitting  “in the stands”

  • 6

    Be the embodiment of leadership as an infinite practice - relentlessly committed to continuous learning and improvement

  • 7

    Be clear about your leadership brand and how it impacts your results

  • 8

    Have 100% clarity on the Top 5 Leadership Practices and what you will start and stop doing to bring those to life

The Alchemy Leadership Experience IS for you if YOU:

  • know there is a pattern that you must shift in yourself or your team

  • are willing to get comfortable with sometimes feeling uncomfortable 

  • are coachable … committed to practicing vulnerability (truth-telling with courage)

  • are willing to be challenged, encouraged and coached into a breakthrough

  • are open to exploring what you don’t even know that you don’t even know about leadership

  • experience yourself STUCK and are ready to get unSTUCK

  • are craving to relate differently to common feelings of overwhelm, stress, exhaustion etc

  • are curious to receive inspiration from the other powerful and vulnerable leaders in this experience

  • are committed to BEING a leader, regardless of your job title or rank in your organization

The Alchemy Leadership Experience is NOT for you if YOU:

  • are in the mindset of “I know everything I need to know”

  • are unwilling to SLOW DOWN, as a way of gaining momentum in your leadership

  • prefer to get “through it” vs. to get “from it”

  • are opposed to being held accountable to what you say you want

  • are unwilling to take personal responsibility for how you have created, promoted or allowed your “as-is” reality to be

  • resist change and notice you tend to blame others for circumstances

  • are not curious and do not like practicing something new

  • are committed to using your “title” to demonstrate leadership

  • are unwilling to let go of the idea that holding a leadership position or  prestigious title automatically makes you a leader

  • are in this for self-promotion or personal gain 

The Alchemy Leadership Experience

Consists of:


A 90-minute kick-off to your journey, where we introduce 4 key foundational principles of leadership, share logistics and create agreements around how YOU are going to show up on the leadership court over the next four months.


We will send you specific books, podcasts, questions and prompts to complete before the session begins. Plan on 3 hours of pre-work to set the fertile stage for your Alchemy Leadership Experience.


Day 1, 5pm – 8pm: Relationship & trust building … participants will begin to experience a sense of community and connection while several foundational principles of The Alchemy Leadership Experience are uncovered.

Day 2, 8am – 8pm: Slow down, get accurate & calibrate courage … participants will gain a new level of clarity about themselves as leaders, professionally, personally and in the area of their health and well-being. Clarity will be achieved as participants explore distinctions of trust, speaking, listening, and the difference between leading/managing/coaching/mentoring.

Day 3, 8am – 3pm: Create a new & sustainable future for yourself as a leader … accurately claim your current leadership brand. What do you want your new leadership brand to be? Participants will gear up for a lifetime of leadership practice.


3 months of 1:1 coaching with an Alchemy Coach. This will consist of six 60-minute coaching sessions, every other week. This is where the true sustainability of leadership kicks-in. During this time you will have unlimited e-mail access to you coach for virtual coaching.


90-minute conversation completing your Leadership Experience journey, and positioning for the “infinite game” of leadership - this will offer you an opportunity to reflect, celebrate and gear up for a lifetime of leadership practice. We will trouble-shoot any areas where your new breakthroughs and distinctions are not yet showing up in execution and application.


(each session limited to 24 leaders who are ALL IN - "transformation READY")

February 2025

Activation Call: February 7th, 11am - 12:15pm EST

In-Person Session: February 24th - 26th, 2025, Saratoga, NY

Personal Coaching: March 2025 - May 2025

Infinite Game Integration Call: May 9th, 11am - 12:30pm EST

May 2025

Activation Call: TBD

In-Person Session: May 12th - 14th, 2025, Saratoga, NY

Personal Coaching: May 2025 - July 2025

Infinite Game Integration Call: TBD






  • 90-minute Activation Call

  • Pre-Work Resources

  • 2.5 Day In-Person Intensive
    (including all meals)

  • 3-months of 1:1 coaching (6 calls) & spot coaching via email

  • 90-minute “Infinite Game” Integration Call

The fee includes:

Note: The fee does not include travel/lodging expenses. The Alchemy Group will provide travel recommendations along with access to discounted hotel room block rates.

Note: Registration is non-refundable and the seat(s) you’ve purchased are yours to transfer to someone else in your organization, should you not be able to attend. Once payment is submitted this will secure your participation in this elite and limited leadership journey and your Intensive.

Upon registration: a Starter Kit will be sent to you for pre-event study.

Don’t see a date that works for you?

Sign up to be the FIRST to know when new dates are released for an upcoming Leadership Experience.

Among the leadership clients Alchemy has worked with and coached