For the first time in forever ….
For those of you who have seen the Disney movie Frozen, we’ve been feeling a lot like princess Anna over here lately, dancing around the house singing the lyrics to “For the First Time in Forever”. We have been in creation mode at the Alchemy Group, brewing up something brand-new, something elite, something tailor-made for YOU.
And it is time to share that creation with you all, in song …
“Finally they’re opening up the gates …”
Inspired by post-pandemic feedback from our clients, for the first time ever individual leaders can self-select to enroll in the Leadership Experience: a 4-month (combination of virtual and on-site learning) leadership journey to create an inspiring purposeful life. After 25 years of leading this experience in solely corporate settings, we are opening up the doors for you.
“There'll be actual real live people, It'll be totally strange, But wow, am I so ready for this change?”
This is an elite opportunity for YOU to sit at a table with other leaders from around the world. Real live people, with different backgrounds, different experiences, different stories - all of whom are committed to taking their leadership to extraordinary heights. It will be totally strange, and yet totally refreshing and expansive. Are you ready for this change?
“Don’t know if I’m elated or gassy, but I’m somewhere in that zone”
Sandy and I are elated (don’t worry, not gassy) - We GET TO offer an opportunity to leaders that stands as the main reason The Alchemy Group exists today. 10 years ago I sat in “the seat” that you are being offered now, as a participant. It was there that I met Sandy, it was in that room where I had a breakthrough, and it was in that moment when my life changed forever. Keep an eye out for another newsletter to come next week where I share much more about my transformational journey, and how that transformation is now possible for YOU.
“But for the first time in forever, at least I've got a chance”
Princess Anna may have had a chance. When it comes to the Alchemy Leadership Experience, we leave nothing up to chance. In fact, it is our commitment that, while on this journey, YOU will have a breakthrough in who you are as a leader. Our commitment is transformation, not mere information.
“Don't let them in, don't let them see … Conceal, don't feel, put on a show”
We acknowledge that some members of our community may be reading this and relating much more to Queen Elsa - we see you and we have compassion for you. Some of you may be thinking, “I don’t want to be in a room, getting vulnerable with leaders I don’t know”, OR “my strategy of concealing my feelings, my fears, my desires has worked just fine for me so far” OR “I can’t possibly let people see I am struggling, unsure, challenged …” If you can relate to any of this, welcome aboard, and we challenge you. We challenge you to consider that we ALL are a mess and a masterpiece at the same damn time. Is it time to make your mess your masterpiece? Queen Elsa sure did!
“For the first time in forever, Nothing's in my way!”
It is time to be bold, be courageous, be curious and CREATE the future YOU want for you - even if you have no idea what that future looks like. For Princess Anna, nothing was in her way.
Consider this - the only thing in your way is YOU. So what will you choose, so that perhaps, for the first time in forever, you will put yourself first, in the spirit of transforming your leadership?
Will you choose to be ready? If yes, email Sandy or myself and we will get you on our calendars ASAP for an exploratory conversation.
Courage always,