This is the greatest show…
Fun fact about the Wik Family: on occasion we break out into an impromptu dance party.
Yes, at completely random moments I will blast the music and my boys and I will dance our hearts out (while my husband laughs and rolls his eyes). 99% of the time the song I turn on is, This is the Greatest Show, from the movie the Greatest Showman.
Side note: If you have not seen this movie, it’s a must!
“Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for …”
No, I am not a professional dancer. In fact, I danced for ONE year of my life. At the peak of my career I proudly performed to “Pink is for Little Girls They Say” (image proof below), which quickly prompted my retirement. So, not a professional dancer, nor a remotely good dancer, by any stretch of the imagination.
Then, what is the reason we dance? And what would have me share this story with you now?
Well, I actually had NO intention, at all, of sharing this “Wik Family Fun Fact” with you readers. And then, a few weeks ago my eight year old son came home with a Mother’s Day Present for me. This is the moment you’ve waited for … It was a beautiful piece of artwork that said:
Mom, I love you because …
You kiss me.
You are nice.
You make great chicken nuggets.
You play the tickle game.
You love to dance to Greatest Showman.
At first I was stuck on the chicken nuggets comment - truth be told I am a phenomenal cook and baker. Did my son just demean my cooking skills to frozen chicken nuggets?
I moved on, and settled on this - one of the reasons Charlie loves me is because we dance! A family tradition that I would have considered an afterthought made it on Charlie’s list. Are there any family traditions YOU have, that at first glance may be considered an afterthought, and yet are held by your family members as a treasure? Get curious - find out, and hold onto them!
“And buried in your bones, there's an ache that you can't ignore”
So how in the world might dancing relate to leadership? What might be the reason we have a leadership practice in our house called “wild dancing”? One thing I’ve noticed, while working with leaders all around the world, is we spend 99.9% of our days trying to look good and avoid looking bad. We are so “buttoned up”. Can anyone relate? I can say from personal experience, that can get exhausting, and at times even feel suffocating. What if buried in your bones, there is an ache … an ache to let loose, be silly, wiggle a little, dare I say, DANCE?
Now I am not recommending you go hog wild here, and do the Elaine Seinfeld dance in the office. What I am saying is what if there was a time and a place to let your hair down, release your inhibitions, let go of the judgements, and give yourself permission to just dance? Dance for even 120 seconds, and see what sensations get created inside of your body.
Scientific research suggests that playful movement, specifically dance, can induce a positive mood state in our minds, which has been linked to more flexible and creative thinking. This is all documented in a fascinating book by Annie Murphy Paul, called The Extended Mind. She shared an abundance of scientific evidence on the thinking that occurs OUTSIDE the brain; specifically that movement increases the capacity to focus attention, resist distraction, heighten cognitive flexibility, enhance problem-solving abilities… the list goes on and on.
So what if dancing had absolutely nothing to do with your job and yet, could unlock brand new possibilities for you and your teams …?
“It's fire, it's freedom, it's floodin' open”
As it turns out, unbeknownst to me, I’ve been teaching my boys a valuable leadership practice all along … the practice of movement and dance, to capture all the thinking that occurs outside the brain. I will admit I look absolutely ridiculous when I dance to This is The Greatest Show, and I know my boys are following my queues to dance without judgment, inhibition or restraint. Our brains experience the scientific benefits …. It’s fire, it’s freedom, it’s floodin’ open.
So when was the last time you danced, just because? When was the last time you moved your body and felt it floodin’ open (all that new thinking)? If your answer is anything greater than one week, GET UP! What if this life … YOUR life … is THE GREATEST SHOW?
Courage Always,
P.S. P.S. Truth be told, I have been known to spark a dance party or two during a Leadership Experience. Yes, I have successfully inspired 26 leaders to get up, and move their bodies!
Ready to join us on the dance floor? Then grab your ticket to OUR GREATEST SHOW, the Leadership Experience …this is where you wanna be!