What are you celebrating?
Dear Alchemy Community,
Do you ever think to slow down and celebrate a random milestone? Oftentimes we get stuck on hitting the 1st, the 10th, the 50th milestone, both in our personal and professional lives, and miss all the milestones that occurred in between! "Milestone" by definition means a significant point in development. So if you were to let go of those typical mile markers, what significant point in your own development could you celebrate right now?
This week is my parents' 42nd wedding anniversary - worth celebrating
My son Charlie had a celebration back in February to mark his 101st day of school - random and worth celebrating
Last year The Alchemy Group coached its 730th leader - worth celebrating
Yesterday, while on my Peloton bike for my 549th ride, I received 6 virtual high fives - worth celebrating
On NYE Sandy celebrated her 1st child getting engaged - worth celebrating
Sandy is traveling to Italy for her 5th wedding anniversary in September - worth celebrating
Two weeks ago Alchemy supported the Raytheon Technologies WillRise Program (the company's women's network) in launching its 4th year of this elite program, welcoming 63 women into the journey - worth celebrating
At The Alchemy Group we've just reached another significant point in our development and we'd like to share it with you . To celebrate our eighth year of serving leaders around the world, we've launched a brand new website: https://www.thealchemyleaders.com/
We specifically want to bring your attention to how we are talking about our work now. With any work you experience at the Alchemy Group, our objective never wavers - to partner and serve in a way that creates IMPACT and SUSTAINABILITY. We'd like to share the Alchemy System with you, which is what brings impact and sustainability to life. Consider this our "leadership ecosystem": a community of leadership offerings that work together to exchange energy and inspiration. The end result is increased growth, productivity and joy in the workplace.
This ecosystem is perpetually nurtured and sustained through the power of one-on-one coaching.
We want to invite you to join us in the refreshed way of thinking and serving by offering two resources below that have been a source of inspiration in our lives recently.
What is the leadership ecosystem that you are creating?
Simon Sinek on the Infinite Game of Leadership.
How are you utilizing coaching to empower your leadership ecosystem?
Atul Gawande Get a Coach
What milestone can you celebrate today? What achievement is worth celebrating? How might that celebration create 5% more inspiration in your life?
Let's celebrate!
Courage always,