What are you sinking about?


I’ve been noticing a common complaint lately in many of my coaching calls with clients. It tends to begin with something like …

“I thought I told him what to go do and then nothing happened”

“I gave Suzy the feedback, and she didn’t change a darn thing”

“I told her to go do this, and she never completed the task”


… and end with “they just aren’t listening to me.” 

Every time this coaching situation occurs, the video below immediately pops into my head … and I have to admit I giggle inside. While hilarious, I also think it is a profound example of MESSAGE SENT IS NOT ALWAYS MESSAGE RECEIVED. 

Another way said, communication is the response you get. If any of the above complaints sound familiar to you, and you are not getting the desired response, are you willing to consider that the issue is NOT that the other person is not listening.  The issue is that you have not communicated the message in a way it can be heard.

The leadership opportunity here is the moment we do not feel heard, slow down and ask yourself: is there another way I can communicate this message so it is accurately received? 

Where are there relationships in your personal or professional life where you are saying “WE ARE SINKING!” and you are getting a response of “WHAT ARE YOU SINKING ABOUT?” 

Consider this a prime place to slow down, gear up your listening, and sharpen the precision of your speaking and your questions.  

Courage Always,


P.s. Ready to get on the court with precision speaking and high-quality questions in a MUCH bigger way?
Alchemy Leadership Experience, IS the place …. 


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