When Taylor Swift drops a new song called “THE ALCHEMY”
… You immediately listen on repeat, to uncover how this song could possibly relate to The Alchemy Group.
I mean, come on! Taylor Swift … writing a song about our company? (And yes, for all our readers I get the song is most likely about her love story with Travis Kelce, and humor me here.)
Evidence that this song could be (very likely) about all things leadership and The Alchemy Group:
“Ditch the clowns, get the crown”
Leadership Translation: What if it is time for YOU to let go of the self-doubt, the imposter syndrome, the quest for confidence, the fear of the unknown? What if it is time for you to pick your head back up and put on that crown? And what if this crown is not something you have to hustle for, rather it is something you CHOOSE to adorn and own? This could be the crown of CONFIDENCE, or the crown of CURIOSITY or the crown of COURAGE.
What Taylor Swift is really saying to us here, is that confidence is not a feeling; it is a choice. Courage is not a feeling; it is a choice. Choose to ditch the clowns, get the crown and do it afraid.
“Baby I'm the one to beat, Cause the sign on your heart, Said it's still reserved for me”
Leadership Translation: A couple of weeks ago I was leading a Leadership Acceleration and a courageous participant stepped forward with a powerful “ah-ha” moment. He said “gosh, I realize that I have been majoring in IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT.” This was the first time I’ve ever heard that brilliant phrase, and it shifted the trajectory of the entire session. I challenged the entire group to slow down and look: what percent of time they focused on impression management, which is distinct from leading and coaching? What is the payoff and cost of practicing impression management? See for many leaders we spend most of our time trying to look good and avoid looking bad.
What Taylor is really saying to us here is what if you are already loved, worthy, valued, useful … and the only one getting in your way is YOURSELF? It may be time to drop the inner narrative. What if YOU are the only one to beat?
“Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?”
Leadership Translation: By definition Alchemy refers to the quest in ancient and Medieval times to turn any substance, such as lead, into GOLD. Alchemists were known to create elixirs of immortality, and remedies able to cure any disease. While we cannot offer you immortality (sorry!), we can offer you the listening, the question asking and the coaching to unlock a brand-new future for yourself, and create the leadership gold.
What is a pattern in your life that is unwanted and yet persists? What is a problem you are facing and your thinking is currently stuck in “there is no other way”? What is the most difficult conversation you know you need to have and you’re not having it? These questions are all RIPE for alchemy.
What Taylor is saying to us here is stop fighting the possibilities, stop avoiding the “as-is” reality, stop being UNCOACHABLE … drop the armor and open yourself up to growth and possibility. Who are we to fight the alchemy?
“I haven't come around in so long, But I'm making a comeback to where I belong ...”
Leadership Translation: At the Alchemy Group we consistently say that leadership is an ON THE COURT ACTIVITY. Leadership occurs when you are sweating it out, making the plays, falling down and going at it again. Leadership never occurs by being IN THE STANDS. The stands are great for watching the play of game, critiquing the players, and eating fried food. What we’ve noticed at The Alchemy Group is many leaders have navigated their careers in the stands.
What Taylor is offering us ALL here is an opportunity to slow down and look - look at where you are currently in the stands of your leadership? Where is it time to comeback to where you belong, get on the court, and sweat it out?
After all, the Alchemy of a leader is SWEAT.
Now go sing your hearts out and do it afraid,
P.s. Ready to sweat it out with me? Then it is time to say “YES” to the Alchemy Leadership Experience.
Registration for September 9th - 11th, 2024 is now live - act now and get back on the leadership court.