
When an organization or a team is hungry for a culture transformation and committed to taking it from ordinary to extraordinary, the Alchemy team is a vital partner to uncover the challenges, drive the transformation, and unlock untapped value, productivity and joy.


Is your team willing to
demonstrate the courage needed
to activate visible culture change?


Are you ready to take
your team culture from
compliance to authentic collaboration,
trust and no fear


Do you truly understand
the gap between where you are
as a team and
where you want to be?

How do you know
IT IS TIME for a team transformation?

Are you curious about exploring the gap
between where you are as a team and where you want to be?

What might be possible when the following shifts are made …?

Compliance —> Commitment

Expectations —> Agreements

Fear & Blame —> Courage & Trust

Micro - Management —> Develop & inspire talent


  • The intention of this session is to engage, inform and equip participants with the tools, mindset and practices to increase their productivity by 20% or more every day, and leave with a 6-month strategic action and accountability system in place.

    The first step of this journey is to slow down and explore the distinction between agreements vs expectations. How might leading from a space of expectations impact your results as a leader and a team? What possibilities might be unlocked when leading from a place of agreements?

    Throughout the day the team will address their 3-5 biggest priorities over the next 6 months and turn them into a workable action plan. The intention will be to get clear on these priorities, identify barriers that would prevent success in these areas and create a clear system to ensure that deliverables are met.

    This co-created strategic plan is based on agreements, as opposed to expectations, accountability systems and integrity. In turn, each individual and team take 100% ownership of their role in reaching these deliverables. The end result: an upgrade in the team’s accountability, productivity, leadership, communication, and performance on every level.


    • 1 DAY

  • This team session will provide time for each individual to reflect and choose their role in and contribution to the team’s success.

    The team will slow down to consider how they are currently functioning and what are the detractors and accelerators to the trajectory of the team’s results. What is your primary focus when you ‘play not to lose’?

    Where might your energy be channeled when you are ‘playing to win’? Two mental strategies that yield wildly different outcomes.

    This article “World Cup Wisdom: Play To Win Rather Than To Avoid Losing” on the Forbes website takes this concept further.

    “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.”

    … so play to win, not to lose. In the larger game of life, playing safe is the most dangerous game plan of all!


    • 1/2 DAY


  • This investment in your leadership team will surface underlying constraints that impact the team’s effectiveness and productivity and will ultimately improve results and working relationships.

    We build off of a model of “provocative statements” that enable the team to bring to the surface limitations from the past and opportunities for the future.


    • 1 DAY