Fitting a square peg in a round hole

Have you ever heard the saying "stop trying to fit a square peg in a round hole"? Well, for the first month or so of this pandemic situation Sandy and I were attempting to fit a square peg in a round hole.  The square peg was the "old way of doing things" and the round hole was the "a world in the middle of a pandemic". 

Needless to say, it wasn't working out well for us. No longer was it possible for us to be in a room with a group of leaders, inspiring them. No longer could we lean on group exercises or tools that demand the physical body to demonstrate a leadership distinction. All we had was a computer screen on one side, and on the other side sat people we were desperate to serve: depleted of inspiration, disoriented by change, and practically crippled by uncertainty. 

At the time, our coach, Carolyn Freyer-Jones, said "Allie, Sandy - the only thing you both can do wrong right now is NOT DO." We heard the message loud and clear. From that point on, we stopped trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. We committed ourselves to a new mode of thinking with a strategy we call PAUSE, REFLECT, REDESIGN

Admittedly, our first zoom coaching call in March was less than graceful - technology glitches, audio problems, mute snafus. AND, we courageously did it. As soon as the first call was over we shifted into 'pause, reflect, redesign'. Then we did it again, and again, and again. 

Now, after several months of practice, 'pause, reflect, redesign' has become second nature to us. Two significant outcomes resulted:


We've courageously taken many of our Alchemy offerings virtual. Through the power of coaching we were able to overcome our limiting beliefs, many of which sounded like "we can't connect with people virtually; it's impossible to engage 20 people online; going virtual will dilute our work..." Those were all stories, and we are thrilled to share that we have dispelled every single one of those limiting beliefs.  

It took a heavy dose of courage, a profound willingness to be coachable, and a deep level of curiosity to explore a "new way".  Our aversion to change has decreased and our tolerance for pivoting and improvising has increasedWe call our evolved platform ALCHEMY FROM HERE because being inspired and curious can happen from anywhere, wherever you are - a house, a beach, a park bench, an office. Extraordinary results can be achieved.

(2) INspiration ... 

A couple of months ago while riding the "COVID coaster", as one of our client's called it, we thought it would be a valuable idea to create an Alchemy podcast. Two months later and ZERO progress made on the idea, Sandy and I realized that our hearts were just not into it. Given our recent practice we were able to quickly pause, reflect and redesign the platform and the intention. 

So, we've decided to evolve our podcast idea into a video platform - a video channel called INspiration; for people who inspire people. This channel is going to be a resource for YOU to get inspired so you can then inspire others. After all, that is what leadership is all about. 

We will bring you TRUE stories from leaders around the world who are doing it afraid, truth telling with courage and breathing life into others. The intention is that these stories leave you feeling inspired to take action, inspired to practice something new – at home, at work or in the area of your health and well-being.  

So I leave you with three questions ... 

1. In what area of your life are you still attempting to fit a square peg in a round hole? What might be possible if you let that old game go, and replace it with a game called "pause, reflect and redesign"?

2. Do you want to be the first to know when new episodes of INspiration go live? Follow us on Instagram (_thealchemygroup_) or Facebook to get the latest dose of inspiration. First episode to launch August 2nd! 

3. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented leadership ... Are you ready to get on the leadership court with us? If YES, it is time for a dose of "Alchemy from HERE" - write to us and we can explore what might be possible.

Keep up the inspiring work, 


Time to clean up our leadership


Curiosity Bootcamp