Leadership Conversations: What's the diagnosis?


Straight from Sandy's Office: In this week's edition of The Alchemy Advantage Sandy takes on the topic of "diagnosing a conversation". One of the most powerful actions we can take as leaders is to diagnose a conversation when a colleague, friend or family member approaches us with a thought or question.

Another way said, ask yourself:

"What is the speaking and listening required for me to practice right now that will best support this person?"

This is where HEAR, HANDLE, HELP comes in:

Do you want me to HEAR this?
Do you want me to HANDLE this?
Or do you want me to HELP you think this through?

Once these questions are answered, you will know precisely how to listen to, support and respond to your colleague, friend or family member. The best part about this tool? It can be used in all realms of your life. Opportunities to practice leadership are everywhere, as long as you're willing to look; after all, how you do anything is how you do everything.

So if you find yourself sitting here, curious about when the next opportunity might be for you to practice diagnosing a conversation, here is some inspiration: a 1 minute 55 second video from Sandy, where she shares her story about the power of the 3 H's in her life!

Keep up the Inspiring work,


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