A fool-proof guide on how to "fix and solve" the Flu


Straight from Allie's Office: Last week, it officially happened - despite the entire Wik family receiving the flu shot, my three year old son, Charlie, was diagnosed with Influenza B. Immediately upon returning home from the doctor I went into my default setting ... I was going to FIX and SOLVE this problem before anyone else got sick. After all, this SHOULD not be happening right? I am a Clorox queen, so we SHOULD not be getting sick? I have a 12-month old baby at home - he SHOULD not get the Flu.

Turns out, the "fix and solve" approach didn't work so well ... despite all the cleaning, all the purifying, all the purging, the reality was Charlie was still sick - Charlie had the flu - and I was overwhelming myself with anxiety. I could feel myself off balance so I called Sandy and I said "I am off balance", at which point I had my "ah-ha” moment. I was not dealing in "as is reality". I was shoulding all over myself and all over this situation, in effect, creating an alternate reality. And, it wasn't changing a darn thing. I had forgotten one of the Alchemy Top 5 Leadership Practices!

The truth is, the actual fool-proof guide on how to "fix and solve" the flu is to deal in the "as-is" reality of it all. So, I took a deep breath and settled into the present moment, and let go of all that was happening around me that I could not control. I could feel my body decompress - I came back down to earth. Ultimately, this empowered me to be a better mom for Charlie - I could truly sit with him in his discomfort and nurture him back to health with hugs, movies and cookies; I was in tune to his feelings and needs. By dealing in "as is reality" I could see the beauty in the situation - I got extra snuggles with my sweet boy!

So my challenge to you - the next time you find yourself "fixing or solving" a situation or a new piece of news, SLOW DOWN and ask yourself...

  • Can it really be fixed?

  • Where might you be shoulding on yourself or other people?

  • Where are you attempting to fix and it's really about tolerating the discomfort of the "as is" and being gentle with yourself?

  • What might letting go of the "shoulds" and instead dealing in the "as is reality" of it all open up for you as a leader in your life, at work or at home?​

Here is Charlie back in good health, ready to jet set to Florida!

Keep up the Inspiring work,


What if getting MESSY was actually a good thing?


Leadership Conversations: What's the diagnosis?