What if getting MESSY was actually a good thing?
This week we are looking at the word MESSY.
How many of our readers cringe just at the sight of this word?
Great news - you are not alone!
So, what does it really mean to "get messy"? How might messy relate to leadership? What opportunities might the courageous choice to get messy unlock for you as a leader?
To take a closer look at this word, and tap into it's hidden value, we've called in Tarita Preston, a seasoned member of the Alchemy Academy of Coaches.
In this valuable 2 minute video Tarita de-mystifies the "shock" and "horror" often associated with the idea of getting messy. The truth is that growth, development and even inspiration lives in the mess. It lives outside of your comfort zone - the often messy learning zone.
Leadership lives on the court, not in the stands. After all, leadership is something we will never ever figure out; we will practice our way in.
So as you hear Tarita share, are you willing to take on just one messy experiment this week? Are you willing to take on one new task or make one new decision that feels uncomfortable or uncertain?
Where might you be limiting yourself, because you are waiting to have it "all figured out"? Could you let that go and get on the leadership court?
Keep up the Inspiring work,