When was the last time you received a STANDING OVATION?

When was the last time you received a STANDING OVATION for inspiring your team/family/colleagues?

On November 1st - 3rd, in Saratoga, NY, Allie and I hosted our first ever invite only, open-enrollment Leadership Experience

All 26 leaders walked out of the 2 1/2 day in-person leadership intensive with a life-changing BREAKTHROUGH.

A what? A BREAKTHROUGH! An “ah ha” moment, where suddenly your thinking changes so radically that your PAST is no longer your FUTURE. 

The interesting thing about breakthroughs is they come in all different forms, and are available in all realms of your life (as long as you’re willing to look).

Curiosity peaked? Check out this video where I share two powerful breakthrough stories. 


I want to clarify two things:

  1. While the November Leadership Experience was the first invite only,open-enrollment format, where 26 leaders gathered from all different companies from all around the world, we’ve been leading these Experiences for 20+ years. 

  2. In those 20+ years we’ve NEVER witnessed a standing ovation in response to a leader’s breakthrough moment. 

THAT is the power of breakthrough.

THAT is the power of this uniquely curated and intentionally orchestrated Leadership Experience.

THAT is the power of truth-telling with courage.

I have one question for you - When was the last time YOU received a standing ovation for inspiring your team/family/colleagues? 

At a loss? Here’s an offer - Join us on the leadership court for the February 2024 Leadership Experience, and CREATE your own standing ovation breakthrough.  If you believe you are READY - TAKE ACTION. 1/3 of the 26 seats are already claimed for this elite and limited opportunity. 

The best is yet to come, 


What Marathon Are You Running Right NOW?


Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy