What you AND I didn't even know that we didn't even know

What you didn't even know ...

Did you know that my Undergraduate Degree was in Geological Sciences? Yes, you read that correctly. In college I studied the composition and structure of the earth, the environment and the climate. This degree took me all over the world - from South Africa to the High Canadian Arctic - conducting cutting-edge research on the Earth's magnetic field.

In July of 2008 I, along with my professor and two other students, spent three weeks at 82 degrees north latitude (aka the almost north pole). Three weeks of sleeping in tents, bundled in -40F rated sleeping bags; three weeks of no showers; three weeks of hiking, climbing, sampling, observing, exploring; three weeks of complete disconnection from all those I loved back home; three weeks of trekking with rifles in case of the rare wolf encounter; three weeks drinking the purest water directly from glacially fed streams. To the left is a picture of me in front of a glacier, about to start work for the day!

What I didn't even know ...

Fast forward 12 years and I had no clue that this degree and these experiences would be a seed of inspiration behind our first ever Alchemy Advanced Course - Pioneering Leadership. Last week, 14 courageous women and 2 vulnerable sherpas (Sandy and myself) embarked on a research expedition to the Arctic. We packed our bags with intentionality, said our goodbyes with vulnerability and truth telling, and set off in the helicopter to venture into uncharted territory.

This all happened figuratively, of course. What I realized is that all the emotions I felt at every stage of my journey 12 years ago, were the same emotions coming forward as we embarked on our leadership journey. There were feelings of excitement and wonder, fear and trepidation, doubt and uncertainty, sorrow and heartache, curiosity and courage - SO much courage.

As "random" as my college degree was, navigating and harvesting all of these emotions was and is LEADERSHIP. In retrospect, one could say that my leadership journey began 12 years ago. One thing I've learned is that being a leader is messy, and comes with a lot of emotions. The key is to harvest these emotions and tap into the golden opportunities within.

And that is exactly what these 14 women did just one week ago. These women committed to exploring new levels of leadership. They were curious and committed to excavating deep purpose and meaning in their work, seeking to replace exhaustion with inspiration. They all got in the helicopter, did it afraid, and went to the edge of who they are as leaders. They ventured into uncharted territory, ultimately becoming the first Pioneers to declare and create new futures for themselves as leaders.

To our 14 Pioneers, Sandy and I acknowledge you. We acknowledge your tenacity, vulnerability, courage, commitment and grace. Our research expedition is far from complete, and the "data" you have collected, and the fear "samples" you've harvested, and the truths you "excavated" are miraculous. It is our honor to be your sherpas.

For the rest of our readers, I have two questions & one request for you:


How can you be 5% more like our pioneers TODAY? Practice 5% more courage, or 5% more curiosity, or 5% more vulnerability?

Take time to reflect on your life experiences - pick one that may seem random - how might that experience have shaped who you are as a leader? Then, go share the story!


If you are reading this and thinking anything along the lines of "Gosh, I want to go on an Alchemy research expedition, how do I sign up? or I want to pioneer a new path for myself as a leader!", then write to us! Sandy and I are already exploring candidates for our 2021 Expedition. So step forward and get curious about what might be possible for YOU.

Courage always,


Are you choosing to be the thermostat or thermometer?


The week I didn't know what to write