Your shadow has some things to say …
When was the last time you noticed your shadow?
When was the last time you truly observed the darkness your body cast upon a surface?
And what might this shadow have to do with leadership?
I’ve personally spent the last 18 months curious about my shadow, embracing my shadow, learning from my shadow, and harvesting my shadow. Check out the video below to hear my story:
After you watch I invite you to consider this - Consider everything has a light and a dark side.
What might be in the dark for you and you don’t even know that you don’t even know it’s there? What is hiding in your shadow?
At The Alchemy Leadership Experience we harvest the LIGHT and the DARK. We uncover your blind spots, hiding in the shadows, and transform your results as a leader.
If it has been a while since you’ve noticed your shadow I highly recommend you get on the leadership court with me and harvest ALL the opportunities within. Registration for the February Leadership Experience is now live. Act now to secure your seat in this elite and limited opportunity.
Your shadow will thank you.
The best is yet to come,